contact us-k8凯发娱乐旗舰

contact us

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customer support:


general enquiry:

customer support:

head office
5/f, world-wide house,
19 des voeux road central, hong kong
chief privilege centre
5/f, world-wide house,
19 des voeux road central, hong kong

other enquiries and transaction hotlines

securities trading
futures & global trading
stock options trading
global stock trading
new stock otc trading (until 6:30 p.m.)
funds deposit and withdrawal hotline
customer support
wealth management hotline

customer suggestions

if you have any enquires or suggestions, please complete the form below

  inquiry     suggestion     compliment     complaint     other  
  mr.     ms.

   i acknowledge that chief group may contact me via phone or e-mail with information on chief's products, services, promotional offers and trading education.

*   must be filled in

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